Curried Winter Roots Soup
A tasty winter soup packed full of roots, spice and goodness to warm the cockles even on the harshest of days, of which I believe we have a few heading our way!. Vary your veg as t
A Winter Roasted Roots & Gruyere Pie
A delicious wintery pie perfect for a veggie sunday dinner, a celebration meal or even the festive table. Do use whatever root veggies (or winter squash) you have, the more of a mi
Suet-Free Herefordshire Apple & Cider Mincemeat
If you’ve not made your own mincemeat before then please do give it a go. As with most homemade foods it’s so much more delicious than shop bought versions, and you’ll probab
Chocolate Beetroot Cake
Here’s a little slice of naughtiness to brighten up your autumn or winter and a great way to use up any beetroot lurking at the bottom of your veg box. It’s also a novel
Sausage Pasta Bake
In response to COVID 19 we are assembling weekly Food Activity Sheets, which are going out with family food parcels through the Rotary and Food Bank. This is a recipe from Wee
Rhubarb Crumble Cake
Back by popular demand- a real treat-A moist almond torte topped with a layer of cooked rhubarb and an irresistible crumble topping, this is equally at home after a weekend lunch o
Sausage, Bean & Veggie Hotpot
Fittingly for the sub-zero temperatures out there this week this was our comforting and hearty family favourite February recipe on our 2018 calendar. This one-pot wonder dish is pa
Garden Experience Workshops
Please note we will be back delivering our Garden Experience Workshops in the summer of 2024 once our new Children’s Education Garden is constructed. Sessions include prac
Harvesting & Cookery Workshops
Please note we will be back delivering our Harvest and Cookery Workshops in the summer of 2024 once our new Children’s Education Garden and Field Kitchen is constructed. C
Bespoke Gardening or Cookery Workshops
Once our garden is constructed in 2024 Growing Local will be able to offer tailored land-based courses for primary or secondary school children. Courses could be a single half day