Pat Gordon
Founding Member & Director
Pat set up Growing Local with Heather in 2009. Their vision was to connect people with the land and enable everyone to take control of their food through buying locally and growing their own. Pat brought 25 years FE experience including running Holme Lacy Foundation Department. Pat ran Growing Local’s veg bag scheme for 10 years and now works with Louisa project managing the new Growing Local CSA and Southside projects.
Heather Percy
Founding Member & Director
Heather established Growing Local with Pat, sharing the vision to educate our future generations in growing their own. Heather brought 20 years of secondary teaching experience and ran Growing Local’s educational programme for many years, delivering primary and secondary gardening, horticultural and livestock workshops. Heather continues to assist with the development of the new Growing Local CSA.
Louisa Foti
Project Manager & Director
Louisa joined Growing Local in 2015 bringing years of experience of cookery teaching and a passion for inspiring our future generations to grow their own and cook from scratch. Louisa ran Growing Local’s educational programme until recently, developing its food and cookery strands, and expanding the reach to families and adults. She now project manages the Growing Local Gardens into fruition, as well as continuing to run cook events and workshops.
Rachel Moffitt
Rachel is a dedicated foodie and home grower and brings her exemplary organisational and accounting skills to the company. Rachel helped a similar organisation flourish in Exeter before moving to Hereford in 2012 and joining Growing Local.
Ruth Pearce
Veg Box Co-ordinator
Ruth joined the team in December 2024 to administer and deliver the CSA veg box scheme. Ruth has exceptional organisational skills and a wealth of administrative experience as well as a passion for sustainability ...and good veggies!
Laurie Donaldson
Head Grower
Laurie joined us in October 2023 to set up the new CSA growing areas, having moved back to his home county of Herefordshire after working for many years in Sussex. Laurie has managed market gardens and school gardens and has a passion for biodynamics.
Kathy Heath
Garden Education Officer
The newest member of the Growing Local team Simon was appointed in January 2024 to job share the garden education with Kathy. Simon has previously been employed in similar education roles and brings a wealth of cheffing and catering experience which we have put to good use co-running the Lunch Club with Kathy.