Our new Growing Local Gardens project forms part of The Southside Project, a joint initiative between ourselves, our neighbours Belmont Wanderers FC and NMITE, Hereford’s new university.

The Southside project will transform 35 acres of green space into a vibrant community destination with sports pitches, market gardens, a community cafe and cookery school plus activities for all ages.

The Southside building is due to commence construction in autumn 2024 and will be completed a year later. It will bring the three organisations together offering changing rooms and club house facilities for Belmont Wanderers, educational space for NMITE and a cook school, indoor learning space, farm shop and cafe for Growing Local.

This extremely exciting collaboration will offer a unique community hub building of the future bringing together the powers of sport, food and education. We have appointed local architectural firm Arbor to encapsulate our sustainable vision.

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The Southside is one of 15 trailblazing projects set to transform our city of Hereford by 2025. Together, the 15 projects will be opening up fantastic new opportunities for all ages across culture, sport, skills, growing, greener travel and the riverside.

@StrongerHereford is made possible thanks to £22.4 million from the Government’s Towns Fund. Keep up to date on Hereford’s Stronger Towns projects by following them on socials and signing up to Stronger Hereford e-news.