Sign up to our CSA Crop Share Veg Box Scheme
We started our crop shares in July 2024 and now have spaces for full and half share trials to start in December or January.
We sell our veg through a weekly veg box scheme, starting with a commitment free 4-week trial which you can sign up to using the form below. Every week we will harvest you a box of freshly picked vegetables (and occasional fruit and herbs), grown to organic principles, in season and at their best.
You can find out all the details about our veg bags on our FAQ page. Please read this before signing up.
Members collect their vegetables every Wednesday, either from the garden between 3-6pm, or from either of two hub points – The Kindle Centre (HR2 7JE), or the Castle Green Bowling Pavilion (HR1 2NP 4-6pm). Your share will be in a box which will remain at the garden/hub point – you will need to bring your own bag to take your share home in.
If you don’t want to order produce but still want to support the farm, you can join our community as a Supporter Member instead. You pay the £2 monthly fee to become a member and will be kept in the loop about news, events and opportunities.
Our Prices
- Full Share: £68 + £2 membership = £70/month
- Half Share: £46 + £2 membership = £48/month
- £2/month Membership: All members pay a monthly subscription which makes them a member of Growing Local CSA. This:
- Invites you to our member social events
- Supports the CSA and helps to cover running costs
- Allows you to have a say in our organisation

Sign up
Please register your interest here and we will contact you shortly to let you know if we have veg box trial spaces (starting in early July), or how long the wait is likely to be. We will also send a full intro guide with details about payment. Meanwhile, we are always open to new Supporter Members!