Simon’s Spiced Courgette Chutney

Ed Officer Simon is our newly crowned Growing Local ‘King of Preserves’! Barely a week goes by without another delicious creation being offered for tasting, and always bang on the flavour. This courgette chutney is no exception and made excellent use of our enormous glut of courgettes which if you grow your own you’ll be very familiar with! Courgettes were one of the first crops to harvest on our new growing field and proved just how fantastic our new soil is. 

This chutney is a great accompaniment to a curry, but equally good with cheese and crackers (or eaten straight out of the jar by the spoonful when no one’s looking). 


1 kilo courgettes

2 tablespoons salt

1 tablespoon coriander seeds, 1 tablespoon cumin seeds

2 tablespoons mustard seeds (brown), 2 teaspoons turmeric

2 onions

2-3 garlic cloves

1-3 chillies, depending on taste

10g fresh ginger

100ml sunflower oil

200g cider vinegar

225g soft brown sugar


  1. Dice the courgettes into tiny cubes (0.5-1cm), add the salt and leave to brine for 2 hours
  2. Rinse the courgettes with water, drain and dry
  3. Toast the seeds in a hot pan for 2-3 minutes until fragrant, grind
  4. Fry the onions, garlic and ginger for a few minutes, add the spices, sugar and vinegar – bring to the boil and reduce for a few minutes 
  5. Add the courgettes and bring to the boil, cook until the courgettes are tender
  6. Spoon the chutney into 3-4 sterilised jars packing down tightly. Seal with the lids
  7. Ideally leave for 2-3 weeks for the flavours to mingle and mellow