Butternut, Sweet Potato, Coconut & Ginger Soup
A deliciously zingy and warming soup to brighten up your November days, it’s become a bit of a welcome regular at our winter Garden Volunteer Days. Equally as delicious with pump
Arabian Squash – Cheese Casserole
A little fiddly (in the cutting mainly) but these are a fantastically healthy tasty snack. Great for taking to work, school lunch boxes or munching with drinks. Leave out the cinna
Apple & Cinnamon Crisps
A little fiddly (in the cutting mainly) but these are a fantastically healthy tasty snack. Great for taking to work, school lunch boxes or munching with drinks. Leave out the cinna
‘Chicken Run’ Rent-a-Hen Scheme
We have grant funding from the Youth Social Action Fund to deliver 25 guided volunteer sessions throughout 2018 to students aged 10 to 20 in Herefordshire. The aim of the volunteer